Winning the most difficult case

Winning the most difficult case

Exactly one year ago, on December 26th, 2023, one of the most complex, multifaceted, and dangerous cases in the entire long-term practice of Mosgo & Partners was successfully completed.

The Company’s founder Oleg Mosgo and the present Managing Partner Svetlana Makarova managed to defend a large German manufacturing holding from an attempted raider seizure of its factory in the Russian Federation.

The main events developed in the Republic of Tatarstan, where the offices and industrial enterprises of the Mosgo & Partners client are located. Being aware of the seriousness of the situation, the lawyers personally arrived in the region and conducted their work on the scene. Further development showed that the attempt to seize the factory could be conditioned by the interests of some influential persons.

Oleg Mosgo and Svetlana Makarova were being under enormous pressure. In the course were both direct threats and attempts to physically influence them.

The lawyers applied to the law enforcement authorities, the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Tatarstan, regional and federal executive bodies. A valuable support to Mosgo & Partners was provided by social organizations such as the Russian–German Chamber of Commerce (AHK) and the Association of European Business (AEB).

This culminated in a direct appeal by Oleg Mosgo and Svetlana Makarova to the most high-ranking persons of the political leadership of the region and the country. Acting in accordance with the law and the legislation, the lawyers properly expressed the client’s position. In just a few hours, the successful outcome of the case came.

“This is a life-changing case for our Law Firm. Its importance is evidenced both by the interests at stake and by the pressure we were subjected to. But the main thing is the result. We managed to defend the interests of our client by using exclusively lawful means”, – these are the words of Svetlana Makarova, Managing Partner of Mosgo & Partners.

Alexander Gusev
Alexander Gusev
Senior lawyer
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