Legal Update 2022

Legal Update 2022

The Legal Committee of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Russland) held its traditional legal seminar "Legal Update". Anton Shamatonov, partner of the law firm Mosgo & Partners, gave an overview of the current legislative changes and amendments in Property and Real Estate Law and in particular addressed the changes introduced by the following laws:

The Federal Law of 21 December 2021 No. 430-FZ implemented only a small fraction of what was originally intended to be introduced by the Civil Law reform. The Federal Law of 6 December 2021 No. 408-FZ facilitated the registration of rights to buildings in operation. The Federal Laws of 30 December 2021 No. 448-FZ and No. 449-FZ regulate the establishment of the public corporation "Roskadastr".

In his presentation, Anton compared the original draft law on property rights (as of 2019) with the finally promulgated Law 430-FZ. This law is based on the draft, but its ideas were not essentially implemented in reality.

The presentation also addressed the issue of what is considered immovable property under current law, the specifics of ownership of permises and car parking spaces, and the rights of the owner of a land plot in the event of demolition or destruction of a building or structure.

The event was moderated by the managing partner of Mosgo & Partners law firm Oleg Mosgo, who is also the deputy chairman of the Legal Committee of the German-Russian Chamber of Commerce (AHK Russland).

The presentation in Russian is available for download at the link below.

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